Italian technology to support measurement in extreme environmental conditions

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The monitoring of the peculiar microclimate of Monte Canin continues. Scientific article written for the Nimbus 74-2015 magazine on specific solutions for tilting rain gauges.

NESA srl collaborates with the Italian Meteorological Society (SMI), the largest Italian association for the study and dissemination of meteorology, climatology and glaciology. SMI is currently chaired by Luca Mercalli, Italian meteorologist, scientific popularizer and climatologist. The association promotes the culture of the sector through meetings, events, conferences and the prestigious Nimbus magazine is its main dissemination body.

In issue 74-2015, Nesa published an article concerning the measurement of solid precipitation using tilting rain gauges in conditions of low energy availability, analyzing the problems and techniques that are applicable to reduce measurement errors. A particular in-depth study is dedicated to applications and technological development, with numerous application examples and rich iconography.

In this way, Nesa strengthens its ability to combine aspects of industrial production with research and development, in order to constantly improve the quality and references of its products. The complete article can be viewed here. We wish to thank Daniele Cat Berro, of the SMI editorial staff, for the scientific support to the revision of the texts.

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