
Radar level sensor (0-15m o 0-20m)


The sensor for water level measurement, VEGAplus series, consists of a transducer for microwave K-band placed in a resin body IP67/68 protection.

It is an ideal sensor for all applications of water level measurement in open field or in stilling wells, thanks to the narrow beam of microwaves. Accurate and reliable, it’s maintenance-free.

Available with standard electrical output (voltage or current) or digital RS485 with ModBus (MCS option).

  • High accuracy hydrometer and snowmeter
  • Available for different ranges: 15, 20, 35, 75 mt
  • Radar measure device in K-band
  • Waterproof IP67/68 box for outdoor application
  • Accuracy: <0.05% of full scale value
  • Can be installed tilted vertically
  • Available with various signal output
  • According to CE norms

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