Misura del vento

Wind direction sensor


The sensor for wind direction measure (Gonio-anemometer) is made of materials with high reliability and durability, which maintain for a long time the features of sensitivity and precision. The mechanical body shape allows to resist at high wind speed or squalls (up to 300km/h). Using a special magnetic encoder ensures very high resolution and accuracy by eliminating any mechanical friction in a full operating angle of 360°. The output signal is normalized in voltage or current (4÷20mA or 0÷2Vdc), or digital on RS485/Modbus, available with heater at low power (5W@12Vdc).

The sensor is manufactured according to standard WMO (World Meteorological Organization) and to EN 15518-3:2011 norm.

  • Very high precision Wind Direction Sensor (better than 0.3°)
  • Compact and light design in aluminium
  • Typical range 0÷360°N
  • High dynamic response to wind with very low friction
  • WMO standards compliant
  • Suitable for marine application
  • IP68 fast connection
  • Heated option available for low temperature application
  • According to CE and EN 15518-3:2011 norms

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