Sonde multiparametriche

Multiparametric probe (6+1 parameters)


The WMP6 probe has been developed for monitoring of water-bearing stratums, rivers, basins, rubbish dumps, seas or however clear or semiclear waters. Easy to use in measure campaigns or in continuous mode, thanks to an USB or RS485 interface and a web program which permits to turn your PC into a datalogger.

Available with or without the inside datalogger (WMP6-DL and WMP6), allows to analyze several parameters simultaneously and compare data in real time (through interface RS485 or USB), memorize local data (WMP6-DL) and transfer them in a center data storage by GSM, GPRS, UMTS, satellite, wireless or cable, using an external Nesa datalogger.

Useful for monitoring mobile or fixed locations and for remote control stations. It’s possible to manage the data acquisition in continuous, or at specific programmable intervals. Thanks to the reduced dimensions, with only 70mm of diameter where is possible to have up to 7 parameters, and using specific materials, the probe is perfectly suitable in piezometric tubes with small diameter.

  • Up to 6+1 parameters in real time (Ph, Level, Temperature, Conducibility, Redox, Oxigen +1 additional in option)
  • Suitable for clear or semi-clear fresh and salt waters
  • RS485 and USB interface for PC or datalogger
  • Operative water depth max 20 mt (300 mt on req.)
  • Easy to clean, calibrate and maintain
  • According to CE norms

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Related accessories

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Accessories - Calibration set

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