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Linux datalogger with web interface
Evolution represents the natural passage of the TMF series dataloggers to the most modern technology, leading today to the creation of this extraordinary product that for performance and ease of use is unrivaled, and which promises a second technological revolution in the sector.
A modular datalogger with very high precision, with operating system Linux, Apache web server and interpreter PhP usable without software external and/or owner totally configurable via web, customizable with scripts and user programs that can be shared on the network.
- Caratteristische principali
- Linux S.O. with integrated Apache Web Server
- None additional software to install
- Intuitive and powerful browser-directed interface
- Access from Ethernet, WiFi, USB, serial and remotely
- Very high accuracy on all inputs @24 bit
- Compact and ultra-low power consumption, 100% operative
- Integrated battery charger in PWM technology
- Web interface in source code
- Dual level of user management to share on the same hardware up to 5 different configurations
- Integrated Barometer (optional)
- Integrated battery and solar panel voltage control
- Anodized aluminium painted enclosure
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