Qualità delle acque


Floating system for water quality monitoring

The floating monitoring systems are made of hot-dip galvanized iron for water monitoring campaigns in basins or along the coast (ports, accesses to the sea, etc.) and shallow waters. Depending on the number of floating rings used, the supporting capacity varies from about 30 to 60Kg, allowing to support various measurement and data transmission equipment.

The particularly robust triangular shape and the low center of gravity prevent overturning even in the presence of small waves (up to 30cm). It includes an IP66 / 67 box (depending on the size) for any external devices to be connected to the immersed sensors and a solar panel for power supply. Easy to use and transport, optionally supplied with rope and ballast for sandy bottoms.

Low consumption allows a long autonomy.

The connection via GPRS or radio allows you to manage the flow of information with extreme ease, even remotely, and to have the data in the cloud and in the APP.

Multiparametric probes.

Brackish and fresh water monitoring.

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