
High precision digital barometer


The digital Barometer BAR-AV, is a high precision instrument for absolute pressure, QNH, QFE, QFF.

Long-term stability and a web interface make it the perfect instrument for professional acquisition systems in meteorology, aviation and industrial applications. Heavy duty enclosure IP67, allows an easy installation also in harsh environmental conditions. This sensor is built according WMO and ICAO standards. Available in single sensor version or with 3 sensors for greater extended precision (model BAR-AV-S)

Different digital out protocols, adjustable offset and installation altitude set.

  • Very High accuracy measurement – temperature compensation on full range
  • Reliable and long-term stability
  • Fast dynamic response
  • Wide range of temperature
  • Data available in numerical and graphical format
  • Accredia calibration certificate on request
  • From 1 to 3 transducer available
  • ccording to CE norms

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