Home > Products > Sensors > Rain and Snow > Class A rain gauge (200 cm²)
Class A rain gauge (200 cm²)
The Helmann PL200 rain gauge is a manual rain gauge. It consists of a cylindrical body in anodized aluminium with 200cm² collection surface, that collects rain in a can with a maximin of 3l (corresponds to 150mm) of capacity, or directly in a graduated cylinder in class A or A+, its capacity is 250ml (250cm³) equal to 12.5mm of precipitation (200cm³ ≡ 10mm). The orifice collecting funnel, is designed to convey all the precipitated rain inside the collector and then to be measured using a high precision graduated cylinder (resolution 0.05 mm and 0.04 mm in class A to class A+) able to measure from 0 to 12,5mm.
The shape of the funnel ensures that all the precipitated rain goes in the collector without any loss.
- Caratteristische principali
- Hellmann rain gauge in A or A+ class
- Graduated tube with 250cm³ capacity
- Compact and light design in aluminium
- WMO standards compliant
- It can be used with a collector or a graduated tube
- Easy to clean up and maintain
- According to CE norms
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