

Road-weather monitoring system

Road monitoring station is configured for the acquisition and processing of fundamental parameters for the safety, in particular, to evaluate the formation of ice on the roadway or the presence of water.

Our solutions can include a complete system consisting of meteorological sensors (wind temperature and humidity), disdrometer to determine the type of precipitation, road surface parameter sensor (state, temperature, presence of ice, presence of antifreeze salts) complete with data logger, transmission data and support structures, to simple IoT systems for measuring the temperature of the road surface, and/or the conditions that can give rise to ice.

Access to data as well as from the web portal is integrated into our APP, from which, in addition to the analysis of the measures, it is possible to receive alert notifications when certain conditions occur (for example ice).

Complete stations can be integrated into existing networks via optical fiber and standard protocols such as Modbus.

IoT systems install in minutes, require no external power, no maintenance, and are already configured.

IP camera, other sensors

Road monitoring, road surface status reporting, decision support for prevention interventions

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