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Floating structure for water monitoring near the coast
Floating structure made of galvanized iron for water monitoring in basins or along the coast (ports, point of access to the sea, etc.) and shallow water.
Depending on the number of floating rings used, the buoyancy varies from about 30 to 60 Kg, allowing to support various measuring instruments and data transmission. The particularly sturdy triangular shape and a low center of gravity, prevent the overturning even in presence of small waves (up to 30cm). Includes a box IP66/67 (depending on the size) for any external devices to be connected to the sensors immersed, and a solar panel 20W-12 Vdc for power if necessary, for example for data transmission systems. Predisposed with 1-2 lock-nuts for probes.
Easy to use and carry, comes optionally supplied with 10m rope and bottom sandy anchor.
- Caratteristische principali
- Buoyancy: 30-60Kg
- Strong iron structure
- Easy to move and install
- Prepared for mounting probes up to ø 70mm
- Possibility to use 3 or 6 floating rings
- Equipped with IP66 box and 20W solar panel
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